We are looking for 4 Master thesis students to conduct 4 separate, but related, MSc thesis projects aimed at assessing how the making of a zero carbon footprint car (i.e. with no tailpipe and zero embedded GHG emissions) can become a reality within a decade.
Read MoreUnder detta frukostwebbinarium, med fokus på kunskap och diskussion, får vi höra mer om de tekniska lösningar som finns för att nå nära nollutsläpp och de företagsallianser som bildas längs värdekedjan för utveckling och handel av klimatsmart teknik. Vi får också ta del av hur Skellefteå kommun tar sig an utmaningarna och vilken typ av politik och styrmedel som krävs för att boosta omställningen.
Read MoreSveriges konsumtionsbaserade utsläpp uppgår till 9 ton CO2e per person för 2019. I den här rapporten görs en analys av specifika tekniska åtgärder och beteendeförändringar när det gäller flyg, bil, kollektivtrafik, livsmedel, uppvärmning samt investeringar i byggnader och transportinfrastruktur.
Read MoreIn 2020 the program was, of course, affected by the covid‐19 pandemic, but the effect was rather minor. This the fourth year of the programme consisted m,ainly of completing research tasks and communicating programme results.
Read MoreDenna rapport identifierar möjligheter och barriärer, både tekniska och icke-tekniska, i byggprocessen av byggnader i Uppsala kommun. Målet har varit att rapporten ska ge lokala intressenter vetenskapligt baserade råd för att implementera lösningar för deras prioriterade åtgärdsområden.
Read MoreMCE-PhD student Alla Toktarova today defends her licensiate thesis. Opponent: Mikael Nordlander, Head of R&D portfolio Industry Decarbonisation, Vattenfall AB.
Read MoreIf a ban were introduced on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars, and they were replaced by electric cars, the result would be a great reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. That is the finding of new research from Mistra Carbon Exit researchers with Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, looking at emissions from the entire life cycle – from manufacture of electric cars and batteries, to electricity used for operation.
Read MoreSome analysts have advocated strictly adhering to carbon prices and their effect on fuel prices to
motivate further emissions reductions. However, in Sweden as in many other countries, even with existing fuel prices, emissions have not fallen fast enough to meet Sweden’s ambitious climate goals.
In this policy brief we reflect over some of the pending proposals in the current Swedish policy discussion.
Read MoreAs PhD student you will join a team of senior researchers, postdocs and PhD students dedicated to research aimed at evaluating and proposing robust pathways towards sustainable energy and material systems.
Read MoreMistra Carbon Exit-veckan har startat men om du missade de första livesändningarna kan du nu se dem i efterhand.
Read MoreEnergiomställningen kan inte vänta. Därför bör svensk politik försöka nå fram till en samsyn på klimat- och energiomställningen som är framåtblickande och där möjligheterna med flexibel och smart elanvändning, nya marknader samt samhällelig genomförbarhet står i fokus. Det skriver bland andra Chalmers Filip Johnsson och IVL:s Magnus Hennlock från Mistra Carbon Exit på DN Debatt den 11 mars.
Read MoreMistra Carbon Exit is approaching the end of it’s first phase. Over four breakfast seminars on March 16-19 we present our most important results in the areas of construction, infrastructure, transport, behaviour and policy. Register now. The event is held in Swedish.
Read MoreA survey by Mistra Carbon Exit researchers finds that the decade between 2009 and 2019 has seen increases in support for climate action in China and the United States, with support remaining high in Sweden. The study is submitted to Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Read MoreMistra's Board of Directors has decided to allocate funding for the Mistra Carbon Exit research program for another phase of up to SEK 66 million over a coming four-year period. Program manager Lars Zetterberg is convinced that results will contribute to Sweden's conversion to net zero emissions.
Read MoreHow can we reduce harmful anthropogenic impact on the climate without negatively affecting the prospects for Earth’s ecosystems and human well-being?
As described in this Mistra Carbon Exit publication, identifying impacts on the SDGs preferably starts as an open process of ‘turning every stone’, characterized by reflective and collaborative learning that iteratively reduces complexity and pinpoints specific impacts on SDGs.
Read MoreDonald Trump or Joe Biden? How will the result of the American presidential election affect global climate and environmental policy? What environmental issues really drive the two candidates, and what aftershocks can we expect when one of them emerges as the victor? Welcome to Mistra’s webinar.
Read MoreA lot happening on CCS and BECCS right now. Did you miss Filip Johnsson in SVT Aktuellt the other day? Follow the link to see the full interview.
Read MoreA growing number of companies claim to follow the UN's global sustainability goals. A new Mistra Carbon Exit study shows that there is a risk that companies rather greenwash their activities by focusing only on goals where they are already performing well.
Read MoreThe Covid-19 crisis has caused an economic downturn that may reverberate throughout the European carbon market. This makes a review of the EU ETS supply mechanisms imperative.
Read MoreIn this policy brief, we offer an introduction to the family of policy instruments known as “flexible performance standards.”
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