Societal transformation in Skellefteå - research and challenges
In the regions of Västerbotten and Norrbotten, new industrialisation and social transformation are taking place at record speed. This presents challenges on many fronts - the economy, skills supply and population attraction, as well as infrastructure, housing, healthcare and conflicts of interest. In February, Mistra organised an anniversary seminar in Skellefteå to discuss ways forward.
The seminar was part of Mistra's anniversary celebrations. 2024 marks 30 years since Mistra, the Swedish foundation for strategic environmental research, was founded. Throughout the year, the anniversary will be celebrated with seminars highlighting the positive steps taken in environmental research over the past three decades, where research has been useful and made a real difference.
A message from Mistra Carbon Exit
Lars Zetterberg, programme manager for Mistra Carbon Exit, was one of the speakers at the seminar in Skellefteå. He pointed out that the programme's research shows that the knowledge to accelerate the climate transition exists and that the costs are not high - it is mainly a matter of sharpening and complementing cooperation and policy instruments.
- When we have inventoried what industry, municipalities and authorities are looking for to accelerate the climate transition, they highlight a strengthened transport infrastructure and a strong expansion of electricity, where faster permit processes are a critical point. "Municipalities that, like Skellefteå, are expanding rapidly often have challenges regarding large investments with high risks and there is a desire for the revenues to be returned to the municipalities," says Lars Zetterberg.
- Industry is showing that it is prepared to make the transition. We see a number of exciting industrial initiatives that want to manufacture green steel, batteries and vehicles. In 10-15 years, the entire vehicle value chain could be climate-neutral (key sectors are developing roadmaps through Fossil Free Sweden). Although the roadmaps are conceptual, together, they show that the transition is happening across almost all industries), he says.
Read more
You will find articles on Mistra's anniversary seminar in Skellefteå here (in Swedish):
Societal transformation in Skellefteå - research and challenges / Samhällsomställningen i Skellefteå – forskning och utmaningar
Social acceptance, justice and resilience - key factors for successful societal transition in the north / Social acceptans, rättvisa och resiliens – nyckelfaktorer för lyckad samhällsomställning i norr
Filip Johnsson, vice programme director for Mistra Carbon Exit, is speaking during the seminar. Lars Zetterberg is the second from the right.
Lars Zetterberg is presenting at the seminar.