Kickoff – June 2017
June 7-8 the almost entire Mistra Carbon Exit crew – 46 participants from 26 different organisations and four different countries - came together at Hotel 11 in Gothenburg.
While taking part of dozens of presentations and workshops from both work packages and case studies Mistra Carbon Exit set the course for the following four, but hopefully eight, years of critical and influential research.
Some talking points from the kick-off:
How does the program connect to climate efforts in the industry?
- Transport: What is transformative and what is incremental? Depends on if we are talking about technologies, policy or behaviour.
- Buildings and Infrastructure: 50 percent reductions are available with “traditional” measures.
- Energy and local arenas: Many critical issues in technological constraints, as well as within financial frameworks, policies and governance. It’s a complex mix of actors at different levels.