In March we welcome Kristina Sundin Jonsson, Chief Executive Officer at Skellefteå Municipality and Skellefteå Stadshus AB, as a new member of the Mistra Carbon Exit board.
Read MoreAs part of the buildings and transportation infrastructure case studies work we organize monthly webinars which you are all welcome to take part in.
Read MoreExploring the effects of scaling up the use of alternative binders to reduce the climate impact from concrete.
Read MoreThe climate summit, COP 24, in Polish Katowice last November was an important milestone in the climate negotiations following the Paris agreement in 2015. Particularly successful was the progress with a rule book enabling the Paris Agreement. In late January Mistra Carbon Exit organized a breakfast seminar themed COP 24.
Read MoreBased on my experience from the first week, I would say that a few clear themes have emerged from the talks: finance, the role of non-state actors, an enhanced focus on industry, partnerships and collaboration, a socially just transition, as well as moving from ambition to action.
Read MoreChalmers are looking for master thesis students for two different thesis: “Material use in a low carbon energy system” and “Concrete change: analysis of strategies to reduce the climate impact of concrete use”.
Read MoreThe transition towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions will require non-conventional decisions by policymakers, businesses and households to foster investments in new low carbon technologies. Even when low carbon technologies exist, structural and psychological barriers often stand in the way towards taking these decisions.
Read MoreDuring two days in November nearly 50 participants from the Mistra Carbon Exit Consortium met for an internal program conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim was to present and discuss results from a number of work packages and case studies and allow for all participants to take part of what is done in the program.
Read MoreI’m on my way to Sacramento, the capital of California. The grass is brown and the air is yellowish and hazy due to fires. In a week from now the fires will spread rapidly, consume homes and vineyards in the wine districts north of San Francisco and kill more than 20 people. The fires fuel the debate of climate change and strengthen the engagement from people and politicians in California. One may think that with Trump as United States’ president climate action has halted in the US. But not here in California.
Read MoreThe brief outlines different perspectives on the past performance of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in terms of its allowance price (Section 1), analyses how the recent reform responded to related challenges (Section 2), and considers the case for introducing a carbon price floor in the EU ETS (Section 3). The main part of the brief (Section 4) identifies five myths in the debate of an EU ETS price floor and critically confronts them. Section 5 concludes by discussing potential entry points for introducing a carbon price floor in the context of the upcoming EU climate policy process.
Read MoreThe Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C was approved by the IPCC on Saturday in Incheon, Republic of Korea. It will be a key scientific input into the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland in December, when governments review the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change. Lars Zetterberg, IVL, Program director Mistra Carbon Exit and Filip Johnsson, Chalmers, Vice Program Director Mistra Carbon Exit, comments on the report in Ny Teknik.
Read MoreSverige gick i spetsen för att reformera EU:s system för handel med utsläppsrätter förra året. Förändringen innebär en mycket stor klimatnytta eftersom utsläppsrätter framöver kommer att annulleras när utsläppen minskar mer än tänkt. Nu bör Sverige inkludera utsläppen från den "handlande sektorn" i vår nationella klimatpolitik och våra klimatmål. Då kan utsläppen minska snabbare, skriver Lars Zetterberg, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet och programchef för Mistra Carbon Exit, och Jessica Henryson, Westander i en debattartikel i Svenska Dagbladet.
Read MoreLast week marked the start of focus group interviews that contribute to Mistra Carbon Exit Work Package 3. Feeding particularly into the project Focus groups on Swedish leadership, niche markets and low carbon business models, the group interviews aim to examine how sustainable societies and climate leadership are made sense of by key actors. More precisely the focus is to elaborate how different actors, including Swedish industry representatives, and representatives of Swedish environment politics and administration, perceive efforts towards achieving Sweden’s target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.
Read MoreUppsala Municipality, one of Mistra Carbon Exits partners, mainly working in the local arenas case study, has been awarded this year's Global Climate City in WWF's urban challenge One Planet City Challenge.
The jury's motivation states, among other things, that "Uppsala has ambitious, innovative and scientifically set goals, for example renewable energy and sustainable mobility. Investments in transport infrastructure were especially appreciated by the jury. Although Uppsala is a small city, the jury believes it serves as a global model."
Read MoreIn September Frances Sprei, Chalmers and Mistra Carbon Exit and Daniel Johansson, Chalmers and leader of Mistra Carbon Exit case study on transport, were invited to the Swedish Climate Policy Council to present their research.
- The presentation focused on what part autonomous vehicles can play for the development of the Swedish transport system, focusing on passenger transport and related impacts on the sector's energy use and CO2 emissions, says Daniel Johansson.
Read MoreThe roadmaps for fossil free competitiveness describe how each sector can increase their competitiveness by phasing out fossil fuels. Several representatives from Mistra Carbon Exit have been involved in the development of roadmaps for the Concrete industry and the Construction industry. A summary of the first nine roadmaps that have been presented to the Government is now available in English.
Read MoreThe CCC research project Impres, coordinated with Mistra Carbon Exit, has now completed case studies in USA, Australia, UK, Netherlands and Sweden. The Impres team has interviewed key actors in major infrastructure projects on their experiences from implementing procurement requirements for reduced carbon emissions during construction, operation and maintenance.
Read MoreSweden played a very important role in reforming the EU's trading system so that the emission gap will decrease by 2.4 billion tonnes. It is almost 50 times more than the annual Swedish emissions of greenhouse gases. Sweden should now proceed with two important proposals for further emission reductions, writes MIstra Carbon Exit researcher and Program director Lars Zetterberg, IVL.
Read MoreOur new Master thesis student Santiago Escudero Carmona will work during the autumn on the project "Concrete Change: Exploring the effects of scaling up the use of alternative binders to reduce the climate impact from concrete" at Chalmers University as part of the Mistra Carbon Exit case study on Buildings and Transportation infrastructure.
Read MoreThe value chains that are in focus in the Mistra Carbon Exit case studies all include energyintensive material producers playing a pivotal role. For buildings and transport infrastructure alike, cement and steel production are essential materials, but also have some of the most energy- and emissions intensive production processes of any sector in the economy.
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