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Impres case studies now completed

The CCC research project Impres, coordinated with Mistra Carbon Exit, has now completed case studies in USA, Australia, UK, Netherlands and Sweden. The Impres team has interviewed key actors in major infrastructure projects on their experiences from implementing procurement requirements for reduced carbon emissions during construction, operation and maintenance.

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The unavoidable industrial transformation challenge

The value chains that are in focus in the Mistra Carbon Exit case studies all include energyintensive material producers playing a pivotal role. For buildings and transport infrastructure alike, cement and steel production are essential materials, but also have some of the most energy- and emissions intensive production processes of any sector in the economy.

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NewsGuest UserCEPS
Innovation competition for zero emissions infrastructure - Mistra Carbon Exit part of the winning team

Over the course of a year, two competing teams have addressed a crucial question: How can Sweden reach zero emissions of greenhouse gases in the infrastructure sector by 2045? Martin Erlandsson, LCA expert at IVL and research fellow in Mistra Carbon Exit was part of the Blue team that won the category "Transformative Complete Solution for zero emissions".

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Growing Demand for Electric Cars Poses a Challenge for the Energy Sector

If the German government wants to massively increase the amount of electric cars on German roads, this will present new challenges for the energy sector. One particular problem are the distribution grids, which are currently ill-prepared for the additional demand that would be generated by an increased number of households with electric cars. This is the central finding of the latest ZEW Energy Market Barometer, a survey carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, among energy market experts.

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Companion Policies under Capped Systems and Implications for Efficiency—The North American Experience and Lessons in the EU Context

This paper by Mistra Carbon Exit research fellows, Dallas Burtraw, RFF, Lars Zetterberg, IVL and Amelia Keyes, RFF,  reviews the interaction of cap and trade with other (companion) air quality and sectoral policies and discusses mechanisms that address inefficiencies, with lessons for the EU.

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"Case studies is a valuable platform for exchanging experiences"

Initial work in our case study has created a common understanding of the current status and best practices within the supply chains of Buildings and Transportation infrastructure. We have also begun to identify key challenges and knowledge gaps that need to be overcome to meet the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2045.

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