The Programme Conference: Delivering on Climate Targets
Mistra Carbon Exit´s fifth programme conference 18-19 September 2023 gave important takeaways on subjects such as the development in north Sweden, transport, building and infrastructure. The changing policies in the EU and the US were other topics.
Among the conference participants were 32 researchers from institutes and academia, 10 representatives from governmental agencies and institutions as well as 14 representatives from industry.
“We have gathered a broad representation from industry and policy makers, and from my perspective this is important if we want to transform the value chains successfully. Industry and politics coming together can make a difference”, said Peter Nygårds, chair of the Mistra Carbon Exit board when he opened the conference.
Presentations were given by PhD students within the programme, senior researchers and programme partners from industry and authorities. The conference consisted of four different sessions.
Read more about the different sessions by downloading a report (pdf) here: Delivering on climate targets – Mistra Carbon Exit’s programme conference 2023 or by following the links below.
Takeaways from the four sessions:
Participants at the conference held in Lidingö outside Stockholm 18-19 September.