Mistra article from the Program Conference September 12-13, 2019
Journalist Thomas Heldmark visited the Program Conference on behalf of the independent research foundation Mistra, and has published an article about new initiatives towards a fossil-free Sweden he heard about there.
Read the full article “Breda vägar mot ett fossilfritt Sverige” (in Swedish): www.mistra.org/nyhet/breda-vagar-mot-ett-fossilfritt-sverige
Thomas Heldmark has also written an article (in Swedish) criticising the lack of progress despite the new technologies now available: www.mistra.org/nyhet/tekniken-for-fossilfrihet-finns-anda-hander-inte-sa-mycket
Read the full report from the conference here.
Mistra Carbon Exit is financed by Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.